Michelina Venditti

Sustainable Blue Economy and One Health

Email:  michelina.venditti@unich.it
Affilation: Department of Management and Business Administration – University G. d’Annunzio Chieti-Pescara


Current position (SSD):  Universities Full Professor of Business Administrations and Accounting – University G. d’Annunzio Chieti-Pescara (2006- today)

Assistant Professor – University of Ancona (1996-1999)

Researcher – University G. d’Annunzio – Chieti-Pescara (1992-2003)

Contract Assistant – University of Tor Vergata Roma II (1991-1992)

Contract Assistant – University of Urbino (1989-1991

Other affiliations Academy of Business Administration Society of Professors of Accounting and Business Administration Society of History of Accounting UdA-TechLab, Research Center, University “G. d’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara
GBS Gruppo bilanci e sostenibilità

Other scientific activities Member of the Academic Board of the following Ph.D. courses at University G. d’Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara Science and Technology for Sustainable Development (36°-37°-38°-39°)

Member of the Academic Board of the following Ph.D. courses at University G. d’Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara, Accounting, Management and Finance (29°)
Member of the Academic Board of the following Ph.D. courses at University G. d’Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara, Management and Business Administration (28°-27°-26°-25°)
Coordinator of the Academic Board of the following Ph.D. course at University, Sustainable Blue Economy and One Health ( 39°)

Academic Appointments:

– Member of the Blue Italian Growth Technology Cluster

– Component of the National Steering Committee of the “Universities Network for Sustainable Development- RUS” (February 2022 – today)
– Referent RUS (Universities Network for Sustainable Development-for University G. d’Annunzio di Chieti Pescara)
– Member of the “Education” Working Group of the Network of Sustainable Universities (RUS) (14/12/2018 – today)
– Member of the Academic Senate of University G. d’Annunzio of Chieti Pescara (2018-today)
– Director of the Department of Management and Business Administration (2017 – 2022)


Qualification as Accountant – G. d’Annunzio University, Chieti
Bachelor’s degree with honors, School of Economics and Commerce “
G. d’Annunzio” University Chieti-Pescara.

Research activity in recent years has focused on the topics of sustainable.
In particular, with reference to the last three years, the publications are:

– Digital transformation and industry 4.0 employees: Empirical evidence from top digital Nations
– Diverse boards and firm performance: The role of Environmental, Social and Governance disclosure
– Corporate Social responsibility perceptions and Manager Creativity: Testing the Mediating Role of Organizational Identification
– Role of Technology Director in Boosting Internationalization and Performance: An Evidence from EU Sustainable Firms
– Enhancing the strategic alignment between environmental drivers of sustainability and the performance management system
– Exploring Sustainability Discourse in Accounting
– Digital Transformation and Sustainability in Cooperatives Enterprises: A Literature Rewiew

Io sottoscritta Michelina Venditti , autorizzo ai sensi degli artt. 10 e 320 cod. civ. e degli artt. 96 e 97 legge 22.4.1941, n.633 – Legge sul diritto d’autore: la trasmissione e la pubblicazione e/o diffusione in qualsiasi forma di materiale audio, video o fotografico in cui il sottoscritto appaia rappresentato o sia comunque riconoscibile

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