Current position (SSD): Associate Professor of Political Economy, in the School of Economics, LUM – Jean Monnet University (Casamassima – Bari) SECS P-01 (13A1);
Member of the Board of Board of Directors of Fondazione “Gabriele d’Annunzio”
Director of reserch program of university, on derivates (2019)
Director of the unit of research of LUM – Jean Monnet University in a PRIN project (2003-2005)
President of the Self-Evaluation Group of the LUM – Jean Monnet University within the Campus One Project.
Delegate of LUM -Jean Monnet University in the Workgroup of the CRUI (Conference of the Presidents of Italian Univerities) on “Creation of New Partnerships: Latin America, Mediterranean Area, Central-Eastern Europe, and Asia”.
President of the degree course in “business food and wine” (Lgastr degree class) from 2020 at the Lum Giuseppe Degennaro University.
He is in the Board of PHD in Knowledge Economics and economic development, D’Annunzio University, Chieti, Faculty of Maqnagerial Sciences.
Member of the board of Lum PHD in Economics and management of natural resources with Megatrend university of Beograd and Alma Mater in Sibiu. He is Visiting professor, years 2015 and 2016, in Megatrend university, Beograd.Member of the board of directors G. D’annunzio Chieti-Pescara since 2018;
Teaching courses in Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, International Economics and Political Economy. Since 1998/99.
Teaching class in “Economics and Politics of the E.U. in the Mediterranean area” at the School of Law and Economics at the LUM – Jean Monnet University.
Teaching Macroeconomics II at the School of Economics, University “G. d’Annunzio” – Chieti – Pescara. At the same school, he has been teaching International Economics, since 1997/98.
Invited classes on “Renewable resourches economics” (Institute for Maritime and Transport Law in Stocholm), on “Externalities and Transportation Economics” (Graduate Program of the Facultè de Droit et de Sciences Economiques at the Universitè de Bretagne Occidental (Brest)).
Teaching in courses of post-laurea specialization in “Civil Lawyers in the EU” (2000/01, Università G. d’Annunzio, Pescara), “Transportation Manager in the EU” (1997, Facultè de Droit et de Sciences Economiques at the Universitè de Bretagne Occidental (Brest)), “Law, Culture and Economics in the EU” (1995/1996, Università G. d’Annunzio, Pescara), in “Law and Economics of the Sea” (1994/1995, Center for Legal Researches on Fishing”).
Teaching at Master Programs in “European Law of the Firm” (2003, Università G. d’Annunzio, Pescara), “Economics and Health Management” (since 2003, LUM – Jean Monnet University), “General Management – Migem” (since 2005, LUM – Jean Monnet University).
Participated to a research project on “E.U. and the Debt Crisis in Developing Countries” (1991-1993) at the Department of Quantitative Methods and Economic Theory, Università G. d’Annunzio.
In the period 2004-2006 he is reviewer (as “Expert of high qualification and experience in the international sector”) of the MIUR technical-scientific committe for the supervision and evaluation of the research projects submitted by 76 Italian Universities.
Degree in Business and Economics from Luigi Bocconi University in Milan
Io sottoscritto LUCIO LAURETI , autorizzo ai sensi degli artt. 10 e 320 cod. civ. e degli artt. 96 e 97 legge 22.4.1941, n.633 – Legge sul diritto d’autore: la trasmissione e la pubblicazione e/o diffusione in qualsiasi forma di materiale audio, video o fotografico in cui il sottoscritto appaia rappresentato o sia comunque riconoscibile