Current position (SSD): Full Professor in History of Pedagogy (SSD M-PED/02)
Director of the Multidisciplinary Centre of Teacher Training at the University of Chieti-Pescara.
Member of the teaching college of PhD “Education, Development and Learning Sciences – XXIX Cycle”, University of Foggia
Member of the teaching college of PhD “Sustainable Blue Economy and One Health – XXIX cycle”, Leonardo Da Vinci online University
Coordinator of the Degree Course in Education and Training Sciences, Leonardo da Vinci online University
-Member of International Research Society for Children’s Literature (IRSCL)
-Member of the Italian Society of Pedagogy (SIPED)
– Member of the Italian Research Centre in History of Education (CIRSE)
– Member International Standing Conference for the History of Education (ISCHE)
– Member of the Research Group PRIN PNRR 2022 PRO CIVE: Progymnasmata for Citizenship, Inclusion and Valid Education, University of di Chieti-Pescara, University of Palermo
The research activity is concentrated on the epistemological and political aspects of children’s literature and reading education in early childhood. Her most important publications focused on black pedagogy and the relationship between anti-authoritarian pedagogy and children’s literature. The latest studies are dedicated to the representation of war and migrants in children’s literature and picture books. Among her latest publications, Becoming human. From cultural memory to new senses of belonging: stories of migration in contemporary picture books (2021), and Language Play in the Relationship between Adults and Children: The Pedagogical and Literary Thought of Gianni Rodari (2021).
– History of Pedagogy, University “G. d’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara
– Children’s Literature and Literature for Youth, University “G. d’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara
– Children’s Literature, Leonardo Da Vinci online University
– History of Childhood and Education, Leonardo Da Vinci online University
PhD in Italian Literature, University of Urbino
Degree in Classical Humanities, University of Urbino
Io sottoscritta Ilaria Filograsso, autorizzo ai sensi degli artt. 10 e 320 cod. civ. e degli artt. 96 e 97 legge 22.4.1941, n.633 – Legge sul diritto d’autore: la trasmissione e la pubblicazione e/o diffusione in qualsiasi forma di materiale audio, video o fotografico in cui il sottoscritto appaia rappresentato o sia comunque riconoscibile